
Monday, February 07, 2005

Dive and Discovering Limit

WOW Did I go on a downhill spiral for a few days. My bankroll dipped down to $50 and I started playing silly games that were above my BR. I always play NL poker, but figured I would try to play some limit poker for a change. I started at a 6 handed $0.50/$1.00 table. Within 10 minutes I was up $30, what the hell? Surely poker cant be this easy?? Have I been missing out on a cash cow? I then proceeded to a full table and made another $15 in an hour at the same limits. I then proceeded to play 4 tables at the same time and made another $30 in the next hour. Hmmmmm. Whats going on. I went and played 2 NL tournies and placed 2nd in one so made another $27. My bankroll is getting close to where it needs to be now.

Currently sitting at $161.69.


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