
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Money Still in Limbo

Pokerstars finally emailed me early this morning saying they recognize my withdrawal request did not go through and they put the funds back into my stars account. I made another cashout request which I got an email confirmation of. So within 24 hours or whenever the money hits neteller I am going to depo into Ultimate Bet and work the 40% bonus.

We GOT CREAMED in our softball game last night. It was like we were playing the New York Yankees or something. This team we played did EVERYTHING right. They were throwing 40 - 50 mph fast pitch softballs (these are 11 - 12 year old girls!) They played defense amazing, utilizing cut-off, outfield backup, covering home from pitcher position, etc etc. We took a tough 23-1 beat. We are going to practice on Thursday to work on some things they exploited on us and our next game is an away game on Saturday. We'll be ready.

BR - $400


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