
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tiny Glitch in The Plan

Well it turns out the Instant Bankroll thing counts as your initial deposit bonus so you cant do that AND the 30% depo bonus so so much for that idea. I decided I would wait for a reload or another bonus to come around.

I played for about 2 hours on Party Poker tonight only 2 tabling the $0.50/$1.00 tables. I definitely dont like the interface as much as stars and I was very surprised at how loose the tables were. Sometimes there would be 8 and 9 way action after a raise, crazy!.

I ended up seeing 250 raked hands which is half of what I need to clear the other $25 pending bonus. I think I may play a few more minutes tonight, but not sure.

I havent made any net money yet, down $2 so $73 in my Party Poker Account. Still $50 in my Pokerstars Account. $160 is in limbo land and should be in my Firepay account tomorrow.

Ended up playing 75 more hands, still even $ for the day, but closer to the $25 pending bonus @ 500 raked hands.


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