
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Variance Smacked Me In The Face And It Hurt

Meh. Played about 30 table hours of poker on Saturday and just got my ass kicked big time. I lost over 100BBs between the $10/$20 and $5/$10 tables on Saturday. Sunday I made up a little bit, but still down $1441 for the weekend. I wont go into all the bad beats, but it was beyond ridiculous, AA never held up for me once out of 4 times and I couldnt hit a set or a flush draw to save my life while it seemed everytime I had the goods someone hit their draws on me.

As much as I hate it I am going to have to stay away from the $10/$20 tables for awhile and just stick with $5/$10 max for now.

Current BR - $2400


Blogger dna4ever said...

yea Jeff man it was brutal, I hear ya. Made me question if I even knew how to play this game. All goes well when you hit a set once in awhile or a draw or your aces hold up, etc etc, but when everything goes the opposite way in the same night its like geeeesus Christ.

3:54 PM  

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