
Monday, December 12, 2005

3 Hours of Survivor and a little $25 NL

Didnt really play much poker last night because I had to watch 3 hours of the Survivor finale and reunion show!

I did play a $10 SnG and busted out 6th and I played some $25 NL for fun for about 30 minutes and ended up about $20 to the good at that table so overall a +$9 day for about an hour of play.

One memorable hand at the $25 NL table was I was in the BB with 27o and there was 3 way action flop came down 27x (spades), I bet $1 and 1 fold and one reraise to $3 more which I called. Turn comes another spade, I check other guy bets about 1/2 pot I call. River comes another 2 giving me the boat. I check, guy bets like 3/4's pot and I push and he instantly calls turning over A3 of spades for the nut flush, but no good against my 2s full of 7s, he left the table immediately, ooooops.

Current BR - $2130


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